Ingrown toenails - the how, what and why

Ingrown toenails are one of the most common conditions we see in our clinic. They can be painful and sometimes debilitating if left untreated. Because of this, they need to be treated as soon as possible to prevent infection and other long-term complications.

How do they happen?

  • Poor cutting technique - Poor cutting technique and attempting to dig out the painful nail edge causes most ingrown toenails.
  • Genetics - In many people, the tendency for ingrown toenails is hereditary. We hear it time and time again – ‘my mum/aunt/brother suffers from ingrown toenails as well’.
  • Trauma - An ingrown toenail sometimes occurs because of trauma. The stubbing of your toe or a repetitive activity such as running can cause severe stress to your toes.
  • Incorrect footwear - Tight footwear is also a common cause of ingrown toenails. Narrow-toe boxes or shoes that are too small place extra pressure on the toenails.
  • Poor foot hygiene - Poor foot hygiene leads to a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria and fungus to spread.

Treatment Options

Regardless of how an ingrown toenail occurred, the treatment is quite simple.

First, your Podiatrist at Sole Focus Podiatry will examine the affected toe, however, before commencing any form of treatment they will need to take a detailed medical history.

Your Podiatrist will also want to know if this is the first time your toenail has been infected and ingrown or if has this been an ongoing problem for some time.

If this is your first ingrown toenail, your Podiatrist will most likely trim away the nail from the nail sulcus and dress it with a sterile dressing.

If you suffer from recurring ingrown toenails, there are two more permanent treatment options. Your Podiatrist may recommend nail bracing or a minor surgical procedure.

Nail Bracing (Onyfix Nail Correction)

Onyfix uses a composite nail brace that reshapes the nail and ensures natural nail growth.

The procedure is pain pain free and a great alternative to surgery. The course of treatment takes approximately 9 - 12 months and requires multiple visits to ensure the best outcomes.

Onyfix nail bracing is a fantastic option for children, people with diabetes, and who are needle phobic.

Ingrown Toenail Surgery

All Podiatrists at Sole Focus Podiatry are highly-skilled at performing this surgical procedure.

Local anaesthetic is administered into both sides of the offending toe, and the toe will normally go numb within minutes.

Once your toe is numb, your Podiatrist will remove a very small part of the nail, the part that is digging into the nailbed and causing the problem. Next, a mild chemical is applied directly to the nailbed, preventing the nail from regrowing in that area.

After the procedure is complete, the toe has a sterile dressing applied, and you walk out of the clinic pain-free. An hour or so after the procedure the anesthetic will start to wear off, and very few patients complain of any discomfort.

If you would like further information in regards to ingrown toenail treatment that is right for you, book an appointment with our team today at (07) 4529 7430 or book online.

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A recent study shows that 1 in 5 people develop foot pain at some stage throughout their lives. This is influenced by your job, activity, and lifestyle, and the more active you are, the more likely you will develop foot pain. Fixing foot pain is what we do, so how does your Podiatrist at Sole Focus Podiatry support your sole? We have many treatment options available, and the underlying cause of your sore feet will determine the best treatment option. Footwear Advice In some cases, simple footwear advice is all that’s required, and it’s essential to make sure your footwear matches the activity and your foot type. If you’re on your feet all day, then you need a shoe that is both supportive and stable and has adequate cushioning. Suitable footwear comes with a price, but how valuable are your feet? Orthotics If you have flat feet, you may benefit from having orthotics made. When you stand, if your foot flattens and rolls inwards at the ankle too much, it places a lot of on the muscles and tendons, and this is often the source of many long-term foot and ankle problems. Shockwave Therapy If you have a typical foot type, and we’ll tell you if this is the case, yet you are still getting sore feet, you may benefit from Shockwave Therapy. Shockwave therapy delivers gentle, focused acoustic waves to the painful/damaged tissues. It is clinically proven to treat various foot and leg conditions, including heel pain, heel spurs, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, and knee pain. Exercises Yes, suitable footwear and orthotics can help, but you need to focus on strengthening your feet so they can withstand higher forces. Our Podiatrists can curate a personalized stretching and strengthening program to help keep your feet and legs strong! Take Action Untreated foot problems can and will lead to long-term joint damage and arthritis, so putting it off now will only make things worse later. No two feet are the same, which is why our podiatrists are trained to offer various treatment options. To make an appointment with one of our experienced Podiatrists, call us on (07) 4529 7430 or book an appointment here .
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