Happy Feet - The Summer Edition

We’re in the thick of Summer and relishing in all the activities, which unfortunately can have more of an effect on your feet than you may realise!

So, we thought we’d share our top tips on having summer ready feet. And some sneaky little tips to ensure that these hot days aren’t your lower limbs’ worst enemy!

Moisturise – DAILY!

One of the simplest foot care tips that we can give you! Taking 2 minutes after your shower each night to pop some moisturiser on your feet can do more good than you realise! Especially if your Summer adventures involve plenty of sun and water which can take a toll on your feet!

Nail Polish isn’t your best friend all the time!

We know how nice a pedicure looks, but did you know that nail polish can dehydrate your toenails which in turn weakens them and increases the chance of them breaking!

We don’t expect you to ditch the nail polish for good though – just giving your toes a break from it whenever you can is amazing. And, when you do need a polish, we recommend reaching for a Podiatrist approved option! Dr’s Remedy have a fantastic range.

Address any fungal nails

Sounds gross right? But fungal nails are extremely common, and present in the form of yellowing, brittle or cracked nails.

Luckily for you we have a revolutionary treatment available at Sole Focus to help you say goodbye to fungal toenails for good!

To book an appointment to see if laser nail therapy is the answer you have been looking for click here.

Sunscreen is for your feet too!

You probably wouldn’t be surprised that our feet are often overlooked when it comes to applying sunscreen, but we’re here to remind you to lather up those lower limbs!

For all the obvious reasons of course – no one needs to deal with sunburn, and we know how harsh that Aussie sun can be!

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A recent study shows that 1 in 5 people develop foot pain at some stage throughout their lives. This is influenced by your job, activity, and lifestyle, and the more active you are, the more likely you will develop foot pain. Fixing foot pain is what we do, so how does your Podiatrist at Sole Focus Podiatry support your sole? We have many treatment options available, and the underlying cause of your sore feet will determine the best treatment option. Footwear Advice In some cases, simple footwear advice is all that’s required, and it’s essential to make sure your footwear matches the activity and your foot type. If you’re on your feet all day, then you need a shoe that is both supportive and stable and has adequate cushioning. Suitable footwear comes with a price, but how valuable are your feet? Orthotics If you have flat feet, you may benefit from having orthotics made. When you stand, if your foot flattens and rolls inwards at the ankle too much, it places a lot of on the muscles and tendons, and this is often the source of many long-term foot and ankle problems. Shockwave Therapy If you have a typical foot type, and we’ll tell you if this is the case, yet you are still getting sore feet, you may benefit from Shockwave Therapy. Shockwave therapy delivers gentle, focused acoustic waves to the painful/damaged tissues. It is clinically proven to treat various foot and leg conditions, including heel pain, heel spurs, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, and knee pain. Exercises Yes, suitable footwear and orthotics can help, but you need to focus on strengthening your feet so they can withstand higher forces. Our Podiatrists can curate a personalized stretching and strengthening program to help keep your feet and legs strong! Take Action Untreated foot problems can and will lead to long-term joint damage and arthritis, so putting it off now will only make things worse later. No two feet are the same, which is why our podiatrists are trained to offer various treatment options. To make an appointment with one of our experienced Podiatrists, call us on (07) 4529 7430 or book an appointment here .
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