Let's Dance

Do you or anyone you know love to dance? Dance injuries are very common but can be prevented if you take the right steps.

Dancing is a beautiful art form that people use to express themselves while having fun! It is also a great form of exercise. However, it is also a highly physical and strenuous sport, with dancers pushing their bodies to the limits. Having pain when you dance is NOT normal and not something you need to put up with.

Why should you see a Podiatrist?

Whether you are just starting out or an experienced dancer, it is imperative that you ensure your body is well-prepped for the demands dance requires. Without the appropriate strength, flexibility, and technique, injuries can occur which could have been preventable. Some of the most common injuries experienced by dancers include ankle sprains, tendinitis, fractures, and increased progression of bunions. This is not to mention all the blisters and skin concerns associated with going up en pointe.

How can we help?

By getting your feet and alignment assessed by our qualified dance podiatrist weaknesses in your movement can be identified and addressed before issues can occur. Getting a formal evaluation and physical assessment of your lower limbs and dance technique with a podiatrist will allow for any situation to be addressed and averted.

Pre-Pointe Assessments

Are you about to go up en pointe and your dance teacher says they are not sure if your ankles are ‘ready’? Here at Sole Focus Podiatry, we perform pre-pointe assessments for dancers who are ready to go en pointe and need the ‘go ahead' from a medical professional before going and buying that very exciting first pair of pointe shoes.

We also specialise in dance injuries and can provide structured dance-injury rehabilitation or prevention programs. Whatever your needs are as a dancer, we can help.

Give us a call today to book in and we can keep you dancing for years to come.

This article was written by our Podiatrist, Sophie To learn more about our Pre-Pointe Assessments, click here.

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A recent study shows that 1 in 5 people develop foot pain at some stage throughout their lives. This is influenced by your job, activity, and lifestyle, and the more active you are, the more likely you will develop foot pain. Fixing foot pain is what we do, so how does your Podiatrist at Sole Focus Podiatry support your sole? We have many treatment options available, and the underlying cause of your sore feet will determine the best treatment option. Footwear Advice In some cases, simple footwear advice is all that’s required, and it’s essential to make sure your footwear matches the activity and your foot type. If you’re on your feet all day, then you need a shoe that is both supportive and stable and has adequate cushioning. Suitable footwear comes with a price, but how valuable are your feet? Orthotics If you have flat feet, you may benefit from having orthotics made. When you stand, if your foot flattens and rolls inwards at the ankle too much, it places a lot of on the muscles and tendons, and this is often the source of many long-term foot and ankle problems. Shockwave Therapy If you have a typical foot type, and we’ll tell you if this is the case, yet you are still getting sore feet, you may benefit from Shockwave Therapy. Shockwave therapy delivers gentle, focused acoustic waves to the painful/damaged tissues. It is clinically proven to treat various foot and leg conditions, including heel pain, heel spurs, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, and knee pain. Exercises Yes, suitable footwear and orthotics can help, but you need to focus on strengthening your feet so they can withstand higher forces. Our Podiatrists can curate a personalized stretching and strengthening program to help keep your feet and legs strong! Take Action Untreated foot problems can and will lead to long-term joint damage and arthritis, so putting it off now will only make things worse later. No two feet are the same, which is why our podiatrists are trained to offer various treatment options. To make an appointment with one of our experienced Podiatrists, call us on (07) 4529 7430 or book an appointment here .
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